Holy Habits: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People
Have you ever wondered what your habits that you do on a day to day basis look like in the scope of the Gospel? Have you ever wondered what the Discipline that you take looks like in the Spiritual Lens of God? Over the next few months, we are going to practice the spiritual disciplines and biblical practices as we follow Christ and pursue him by means of grace and love. We'll even look at why we need to practice these disciplines and how we as followers of Jesus Christ, can pursue being more and more like Him through the grace that He gives us. We'll look at what it means to practice solitude and each week will build and lead up to maintaining a Spiritual Heart of Integrity. All of these are the ways that the Holy Spirit can conform our hearts and our minds more and more into who He wants us to be, and that's to look more and more like Christ. So, grab your bibles, and come alongside us as we look at the Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People in our next series, Holy Habits: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People.Pray (2025 Prayer Series)
During the month of Prayer for 2025, we are going to focus on trying to renew our hearts and our minds. Some of the topics we are going to cover are being Strengthened with the Power of Prayer, and How do we Actively Share our Faith in our community, because it's key to re-root in our hearts that the most important aspects of the Christian life are found through prayer. Join Us this January as we dive into our 2025 Prayer Series and let's focus on why we pray: To ask for the divine wisdom of the Holy Spirit and our Heavenly Father to give us rest and peace throughout our days as we live out our prayer life for His Glory and our joy and seeing How Prayer benefits us in this new year.God With Us (Advent 2024)
During the season of Advent, we as a church focus on Jesus first coming and second coming. This year, we looked specifically at God being with us in the time of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy through various characters in the Bible, such as the Shepherds, Zechariah, Mary and Joseph, and the World. So, if you want to take time and slow down this Advent season, and focus on what God is doing in your life, like he did with the rest of the world, Join us as we dive into what God is saying to us this Advent Season as we look at what He is doing in the series: God With Us!God Politics & the Church
How does our Christian faith relate to the sphere of earthly politics? Did Jesus see Himself as “political”? Should Christians be political? Would Jesus have been a Democrat or a Republican? These are just a few of the many questions among the countless number of questions that we as a church may have in this political season. So, let's dive right on in and dig into with Pastor Jon leading the way and we will reflect on in this multi-part sermon series about God, Politics, and the Church.HOMEComing
This Summer has flown by! Now, it's time to get back to where we all are back home with our Church Family! God is calling us to come back Home. So, if you are a College Student or a member that's been gone a while, we want to celebrate your Homecoming and being back in the family of God. This Fall, we are going to dig into the word and see what God says about Coming Back Home and Coming Back to Him! Join Us as we begin our next series: HOMEComing!God Has Spoken (A Series in the Minor Prophets)
Have you ever wondered what Hosea felt when he was shown God's relentless love? Or when Micah was shown what it meant to be in a state of true worship? Or even Zechariah when he was empowered by the Spirit? Join us as we do a deep dive into the Minor Prophets and how God used each one of them and how He spoke to each of these men.Stand-Alone Sermons (2024)
Throughout the years, we have always had sermons that might be a transition for us in our church. As we transition into each new series, whether that be a transition from our Summer Series to our Fall series or Prayer Series in January to our new series that we may start in February before we get focused on Easter. Each and every one of these sermons may not only stand alone from the current series, but just because they "Stand-Alone", doesn't mean that they are not just as impactful as any of the other sermons. Let's hear what God is talking to us about as we hear Him in each of these "Stand-Alone Sermons".Mother's Day
What are some amazing things about our mothers or our motherly figures? Are they Patient? Loving? Compassionate? Always there for when we may need them? We are going to walk through what it means to follow a godly mother who walks with Christ and always takes on every emotional need and every physical need that we may need from our mother's. Let's hear what God's word tells us about how we should Honor and Celebrate our mothers on Mother's Day.Easter 2024
HE IS RISEN! Join Us as we Celebrate what God has Done in our lives this season and let's hear Him as we celebrate the resurrection of our King!Pray (2024 Prayer Series)
During our month of Prayer this year, we are going to focus on trying to renew our hearts and our minds as we put ourselves in various perspectives, like Airplane Mode, feeling like we are in a state of being like a low battery, and feeling fully charged in our prayer life that takes us on a journey through our lives that we sometimes feel like we have to put it in a GPS to help us navigate. Join Us This January as we dive into our 2024 Prayer Series and let's focus on why we pray: To ask for the divine wisdom of the Holy Spirit and our Heavenly Father to give us rest and peace throughout our days as we live out our prayer life for His Glory and our joy.Christmas Before Christ (Advent 2023)
Have you ever felt like you have been caught up in all the hustle and bustle of trying to get everything prepared for Christmas? Feeling like you can't slow down and relax? Well, this year, we're going to help you slow down and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We are going to be exploring why we sometimes put Christmas ahead of the reason for the season. Join us this Advent season as we dig into our 2023 Advent series, "Christmas Before Christ."1 Corinthians: Grace For Messy People
Have you ever found yourself in a "messy" situation? Or a "messy" relationship? Jesus has given us so much grace in our "messy" lives, and we want you to join us as we dig into 1 Corinthians and hear about His Grace for our "messy" lives. Join us this Fall as we look into Grace for Messy People!Summer in the Psalms
How do we as a church know how to find the blessed life that Jesus calls us to have or being able to declare His glory in our lives as we know He is the Good Shepherd of our souls? Join us as we go through our next series: Summer in the Psalms. The Summer of 2023 is going to be a fun ride.Things Jesus Never Said
Easter (2023)
Not Quickly Broken (Prayer Series 2023)
Waiting for God - Advent 2022
Easter 2022
Acts: The Church on The Move
What is the church? Is there a universal church? How does this differ from a local church? Do I need to even go to church? Can I do church only at home or only virtually? These questions and more will be answered in this new series, Acts: The Church On The Move.Prayer (2022)
For many people, prayer is awkward, hard, confusing, or boring. Recognizing this, we are using the month of January to teach the Soma family about the ACTS model of Prayer in an effort to help us connect with God.The Royal names of Jesus
Compared to Easter, with its jubilant celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, or Christmas, with its singing choirs of angels and “tidings of comfort and joy,” Advent can seem like a much smaller event in the church year. Is it just a taste of Christmas until the real holiday arrives? There is no account of the New Testament church commemorating any event in Jesus’ life, and no biblical command for keeping any day of the year holy other than the Sabbath. But Christians since at least the 7th century have observed the weeks leading up to Christmas as a time to meditate and focus on both the coming of Christ into the world as the incarnate Son of God and the anticipated second coming of Christ in fullest glory to judge the earth. This year at LMPC, our Advent sermons will examine the four descriptive names of Jesus given in Isaiah 9:6: “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.” As these titles make clear, the coming of Jesus into the world was an event of staggering proportions, and as we live in the time between his first coming and his second, we have every reason to make this a season in which we anticipate and long for that day when the Light of light will descend once again and banish darkness for all eternity.Go. Make. Teach.
This series is a call to discipleship. As believers, we have been called out by Christ to join a great mission. Following the charge of the Great Commission, this series encourages us to GO into the world, MAKING disciples, TEACHING them all Christ has commanded us.We Believe
Here is spiritual meat that believers need if they wish to grow! A life without doctrine is a tree without roots, a building without a foundation. We must simply choose to "buy the truth and sell it not" as the author of Proverbs admonishes us. The truths in these messages are not just intended to be food for the mind, but a primer on how to live in the world.Who we are
As we kickoff the Fall semester, we want to take some time to reorient ourselves around our mission, vision, and values as Soma. We desire to recommit ourselves to our values of truth, community, worship, and mission. Join us as we remind ourselves of who we are and whose we are as Soma!Colossians - Christ above all
This summer we begin a new sermon series through the book of Colossians. The rapid spread of the Christian faith is one of the more remarkable developments in human history. Central to the process was the early church's conviction that Jesus of Nazareth is truly Lord of All. As the Apostle Paul made clear to the Colossians, this truth transforms not only how you think of Jesus but also how you approach daily life. In this study, we will explore the book of Colossians and consider how the supremacy of Christ impacts the way we view ourselves, our responsibilities, and the world around us. Join us as we journey through this fascinating book of the Bible!Identity Crisis
Having been apart for a few months, the idea of "church" has really begun to change. But the Church itself—the bride of Christ—is the same as it always has been. The purpose and character of the Church is immovable. It was established long before our present circumstance and it will carry through until Christ returns in glory. Our identity as God's people never changes, and now is a great time to re-up with our people on who we, the Church, are called to be.Easter 2021
His Mercy is More
This sermon series is on the book of Lamentations which is a record of the prophet Jeremiah’s sorrow and grief over Jerusalem when it was captured and God’s people were exiled from his presence. The central message of the book is that of God’s sustaining grace in the midst of suffering. God draws near to his suffering saints. In Jesus Christ, God has drawn closer to us than could have been imagined—he has become one of us, sharing in all that we suffer in this fallen world. Lamentations is a book of mourning, where we see the terrible aftermath of our rebellion against God, yet also find hope and healing.The Lord's Prayer
In this 9-part sermon series we explore this essential prayer that Jesus taught his own disciples. Jesus taught us to approach God as a loving parent, to ask for what we need and to ask for God to guide our steps. During this series we will reflect on what it means to be in relationship with a God who knows, loves and guides us each step in our journey through life.The Baby is proof (Advent 2020)
When God wanted to tell us everything we needed to know about Himself, He sent Jesus! Join us online each Sunday as we look at how "The Baby is Proof"!The Politics of Jesus
How does our Christian faith relate to the sphere of earthly politics? Was Jesus “political”? Should Christians be political? Would Jesus be a Democrat or a Republican? These are among the questions that Pastor Jon will reflect on in this 5-part sermon series.Reset
The problem with religion is that it can become routine. Sometimes we find ourselves going through the motions and in need of a reset. Religion isn’t why God created us. He created us to BE someone in community. A person who reflects Him. God wants us to believe in Him, belong to Him, become like Him, and God wants us to build His kingdom. This is not just an event that happens, it is a life-long process and a continual work of God in our lives. Reset, is a look at a few ways that lead us and ensure that we will fulfill our vision of our church of leading people to realize and reach their full potential in Jesus Christ.Ruth - A Story of Redemption
The book of Ruth has been called on of the greatest pieces of literature ever written. It is the original Cinderella Story of the Bible. A stunning 100 verse book birthed by the Holy Spirit which is absolutely astounding. We will peer into the lives of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz and see true love, redemption, amazing faith, hope and God’s impeccable timing. Come and grow a deeper love for God and each other this summer as we mine the treasured story of The Book of Ruth.Freedom
Many of us are living our daily lives with weights and burdens that God did not intend for us to carry. We’ve become accustomed to the pain, or the fear, or the insecurity, or the anxiety that fills our hearts but the good news is that Jesus has come to bring us freedom. In this series we explore the path to freedom that God provides in the Scriptures.Easter 2020
The Life of Joseph: God’s Sovereignty in Our Suffering.
How do we respond in faith through the ups and downs of life? We all face troubles in life, but God is at work in the midst of those troubles, even if He seems hidden. We will explore themes of faith, suffering, God’s hiddenness and God’s sovereignty from the life of Joseph in Genesis 37-50.Dangerous Prayers
If you're ready to see a spark in your life, pray boldly, daringly and w/ fire and remember God's listening to your Dangerous Prayers. This 4-week series will teach us to pray BOLD prayers as begin a new year!Advent (2019)
During the season of Advent, we as a church focus on Jesus first coming and second coming. This year, we looked specifically at the attributes of God on display in the Christmas narrative.The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Our new sermon series focuses on God's promises with a look at the stories of three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.Abraham - Father of Faith
If we are to be a blessing to our city, it will take commitment, hard work, and a lot of faith! In this series we look at the life of Abraham in Genesis 12-25, and draw lessons of faith from his story.Easter 2019
Genesis is where God's story of redemption begins. The word Genesis itself means "beginnings." In this study through the book of Genesis, we will see that God's plan of redemption through Jesus Christ was not a distant reality for a future people, but rather good news of God's faithfulness to His people from the very beginning.Prayer (2019)
Every year, we pray about three topics: racial reconciliation, the sanctity of human life and the nations. We use this as a catalyst to remind us about the importance of robust prayer, giving us a renewed resolve to carry us through the rest of the year.Advent (2018)
The King is coming. Jesus Christ has come and will come again. This is the hope of the Church whom He purchased with His blood. It is the eager expectation and desire of His people. His coming is our joy, for He is our treasure, our greatest good.Invisible War
Why is everything in life so hard? Why does doing the right thing often feel like a battle? In this series, Pastor Jon shares insights from God's Word about the unseen spiritual forces working against us; the Invisible War between good and evil.Woke Church
To be “woke,” then, builds on this discovery: that being “Black” is something to take pleasure in. Being “woke”refers to the systemic sociological, economic systemic disenfranchisement of PoC in our country. That’s why some version of “woke” appears in nearly every generation. Each generation has to forge and reclaim a sense of self that’s healthy, affirming, and productive in order to withstand and resist the identity-twisting and person-debasing ideologies launched against us. This has massive implications for local church ministries in communities of color. Churches must understand the need to reconstitute the whole person with biblical teaching responsive to the lived realities of those communities. We have to teach people how to be their ethnic selves in a way that’s consistent with the Bible and how to live fruitfully in contexts that don’t affirm their ethnic selves.Vision Sunday
the Psalms of ascent
Easter 2018
This sermon series is called "Re-Vision - Looking again at what we should look like as a church." As we look forward to 2018 we want to look back our framing to know where we are going.- We aim to create a culture of people who are:
- Gospel-Centered Believers
- Living Intentionally
- Generous Givers
- Making Disciples
- We aim to create a culture of people who are:
Luke: The Advent of Jesus
God's Blueprints
God has a master plan for your life—a blueprint. How can you try to build your life without first consulting the brilliant Architect of life, the One who created you for a wonderful purpose? His master plan for your life is so much bigger than you. Through the 4-part series, God's Blueprint: His Master Plan for Your Life, you'll learn practical steps for discovering and living God's blueprint for your life. "...you are God's house. Using the gift God gave me as a good architect, I designed blueprints ..." 1 Corinthians 3:9 (MSG)The Gospel of Matthew
From it's first words to it's last, the Gospel of Matthew calls people to a radical new frame of mind. In this literary masterpiece the outsiders are brought in, the rich are exposed as poor, and those who seem most powerful are proven to be weak. But nothing in this book is as shocking as the circumstances surrounding the birth, life, death, and resurrection of a Jewish carpenter from Nazareth and the claims He makes on our lives. Its a narrative so profound, everyone has a response.Prayer (2017)
January is a month of renewed interest in prayer at Soma. It is a time for us to replenish our passion for God and His word, the church, the lost, needy and broken. It is a time to reconsider our responsibilities and opportunities to engage the world with the good news of the glorious triune God Who has loved and lavishes grace upon us. The season of Prayer is our opportunity to repent of past prayerlessness and to turn again in humility to our Father, Who delights in hearing and responding to our requests.Advent According to Matthew
Vote Your Values
Do Jesus and politics mix? We believe that our task as a church is to declare the principles of Scripture that apply to every issue that confronts Christians—even those issues that are political. The misconception that Jesus and politics do not mix is reinforced by the fact that Jesus was not political while on earth— at least not in the common use of the term. Jesus was primarily concerned about the principles and truths that direct “the whole of our life in human society.
Share your Story (Testimony)
What would it look like if… ?
...for the glory of God and the good of the City
Where do I belong?
Stand-Alone Sermons
Prayer (2016)
Advent - He keeps His pormises
Risen (Easter 2016)
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