God’s love > our choices
Hosea is a story of a broken vow, a broken home, a broken heart and a broken life. God has chosen to reveal this sad story through a broken-hearted prophet, so that he and his people will understand God’s faithfulness and unrelenting love. God never gives up on His people. God never gives up on you. Others may give up on you, or you may even give up on yourself, but not God.
We are back in our summer series, “Greater Than”
We’ve been going through the book of Hosea these last few weeks in this series, Beyond Boundaries.
Hosea is a book tucked away in the Old Testament, written by Hosea. Hosea is a prophet and he’s speaking for God to the people.
God asks Hosea to take Gomer as his wife. Gomer is unfaithful to him in this marriage relationship again and again and again. God uses it as a picture of our relationship with Him. Gomer had a physical affair with Hosea.
All through the book you see this happening and then you realize that the real story here is not just Gomer’s affair on Hosea but it’s the people of God’s spiritual affair on God. The fact that they have turned their backs on Him and forgotten who He was.
Hosea 9:1 – 17
God’s love > our choices Hosea 9:1 – 17
- If you remember, the first three chapters set the stage for why we see God responding the way He does to Israel’s unfaithfulness
Soul Tattoo: Life is full of warning signs, will you listen?
This is recording of Pastor Jon Nelson speaking at Soma Community Church in Jefferson City, MO on Sunday morning August 14, 2016. Released: August 15, 2016; Text: Hosea 9:1-17
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