The Promise Perfectly Kept
Bible Text: Micah 5:2 | Preacher: Pastor Jon Nelson | Series: Advent – He keeps His pormises
Many of us grew up with the story of Advent beginning in a stable. But, the story begins in a Garden. When God created the world, all things were just as they should be. Creation functioned in perfect order and moved in seamless harmony. Man walked in unbroken relationship with God, fully known and unafraid. But in an instant, all that changed as Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s good instruction. They took of the fruit, ate, and sin entered the world. Fellowship broken. Peace shattered. Creation thrown into chaos. Darkness, depravity, fear, shame and selfishness flooded the human heart, separating man from God. The situation was dire.
Do you remember the promise we talked about last week? God’s promise to send a Rescuer? His promise to send Jesus? Well, He kept His promise! Jesus came, just like God said He would. Throughout the Old Testament the prophets spoke of a savior telling the people how to recognize His coming and reminding them that God had not forgotten them.
Our Big Idea for this week was “Jesus came just as He said He would”.
This is recording of Pastor Jon Nelson speaking at Soma Community Church in Jefferson City, MO on Sunday morning December 6, 2015. Released: December 16, 2015; Text: Micah 5:2
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