Holy Tuesday is the last Tuesday prior to Easter Sunday; it is the third day of Holy Week after Palm Sunday and Holy Monday. Similar to Holy Monday, those that do observe Holy Tuesday, typically mark it with readings of particular passages of Scripture and the singing of relevant hymns.
According to common interpretation in the Bible, Holy Tuesday is when Jesus was issued various challenges by the Pharisees and Sadducees over subjects such as marriage in heaven, paying taxes to Caesar and the source of His authority. By the same interpretation, this is the day Jesus commented on the widow’s donation (Mark 12; Luke 21) and was approached by a number of God-fearing Greeks (John 12:20-36). Tuesday would also be the day Jesus spoke to His eight ‘woes’ against the Pharisees (Matthew 23:13-26).
Check out the reading below from Pastor Jon and download the Coronavirus Help Cards to use in your neighborhood?
Here are some items to prepare for the activities for the next few days:
- Wednesday April 8th – You will need a bowl to fill with water.
- Thursday April 9th: You will need a bowl to fill with water and a towel, Bread and juice
- Friday April 10th: Find a nail (preferably non-rusty)
All is already saved. There’s no literal Jesus, as spirit and matter are not separate. Look in the mirror, make your own heaven or hell.