When I first stepped into ministry many years ago there was much I did not know. Honestly, one of my biggest fears falls into the category of what most people would see as my strength, managing people. Within my first month I made the decision to take a trip to a Passion conference in Chicago with some of the students. I have to admit that one of the students was a high functioning autistic and I was terrified to take him with us but he ended up riding with me. After 8 hours in a car with him, I realized that he was a gift from God and not to be scared of. Over my time at WFC I learned more about him and became more enamored by the way God had made him. This is why when I came across this statement in our local newspaper I was completely taken off guard.
A jury this afternoon awarded nearly $3 million to a Portland-area couple whose daughter was born with Down syndrome even though a prenatal test found she didn’t have the chromosomal abnormality….The couple contend that they would have aborted their daughter had they known the facts and now face the financial burden of raising her.
[read more of the article couple that sued for the wrongful birth of your daughter born with Down syndrome]
It took me a few minutes to process what I read, I found myself at a loss for a response. until I found a blog from Deanna J. Smith entitled “Perhaps you should sue God” and it was in excellent. Here is a snippet:
I’m not sure how you look into those almond shaped eyes-grasp that warm hand smaller than most-hold close the body vibrating with life and say “We wish we could have aborted you”.But since you have, there are a couple of things I would like to say- some things that clearly you haven’t already thought through. Sometimes unexpected things happen to us in life. Bad things that we didn’t ask for. Some of us would call them blessings in disguise-the gifts that we didn’t even realize that we needed- while others label MISTAKE and WORTHLESS all over the unexpected.The truth is, I can see why you’re angry. You have a baby that you didn’t want. A diagnosis that you feared is now a very real part of your life without your permission. Since I have been there myself, I understand the hurt and anger. But what I don’t understand is, why did you sue the DOCTOR?Didn’t you mean to sue GOD?
Hello! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up the good work!