I don’t think people fall short of what God has for them because He is not revealing Himself, many (including myself) do so because He does reveal Himself. When He does this we are forced to face several things that MUST be overcome if we are going to achieve what He has for us. Here are some of this things that stop me:
1. Fear
If you do not say “oh crap” when God reveals what He wants for your life, then you probably did not hear from God! As you read through the biblical narrative you see many “oh crap” moments. We will never become who God has called us to be and do what He has called us to do if we do not face our fears.
- Moses faced his fear of not being able to speak and went before Pharoah.
- Noah faced his fear of not knowing how to build a boat
People that accomplish great things for God MUST fight through their fears because reality is than God has never asked anyone to do anything that was easy (other than receiving Christ).
2. People
When you want to do something great for God there will always be LOTS of people who try to tell you why you can’t do what He said for you to do. I have learned to never listen to anyone who just stands against the wall and does nothing but criticize those who are trying to stay in rhythm with the Father. In fact, despite the pain and hardship the fruit bore from doing what God has called you has been sweet and filling.
3. Procrastination
So many people who swear that “one day” they are going to do what they “know” God has called them to do but “one day” for most people NEVER comes. Why? In their minds “one day” is when everything is in place and doing what God has called them to do does not require any step of faith at all.
“I will do it one day” is a lie that we tell ourselves in order to justify our disobedience. God’s words are not to be considered but to be obeyed.
4. Underestimation
If God has called you then He has also equipped you and will sustain you. Of course the task at hand is large and seems “impossible”. This is why Zechariah 4:6 says it is by HIS Spirit and II Corinthians 12:9 says that HIS power is made perfect in our weakness! He did not call us because we are “able,” we are nothing more than common jars of clay (c.f. II Corinthians 4:7) that He wants to use for HIS glory and He has a history of taking ordinary people and doing extraordinary things through them.
These were just some examples from my life but I would like to know what holds you back, let me know in the comments below.
It’s wonderful that you are getting thoughts from this article as well as from our dialogue made at this time.