Swimming Upstream
Bible Text: Ephesians 5:3 – 14 | Preacher: Pastor Jon Nelson | Series: Where do I belong?
We are back into the rhythm of what we are going to do as a community, which is going verse by verse or chapter by chapter through the Bible.
“Where do I belong?” is our sermon series as we are walking through the book of Ephesians. It also is a question of balancing the roles of being a follower of Jesus while at the same time the everyday life of work and home. Ephesians gives us deeply practical advice on church, marriage, parenting, forgiveness and much more all while exalting the sovereignty of God. The advice is rooted deeply in how our great God loves us in the same way.
This week we walk through Ephesians 5:3 – 14 where Paul addresses the subject of sexual morality. Judging from the New Testament, illicit sex was an enormous problem for the new believers. They had grown up in a sex-obsessed culture where pornography, adultery, men sleeping with their slaves, incest and temple prostitution were all accepted as normal. When a person from our culture becomes a follower of Jesus and is confronted with God’s will for their sexuality, the transition is just as bumpy as it was for the Gentile believers in the first century.
Our Soul Tattoo for the week is “I will always live consistently with who I believe that I am.”
This is recording of Pastor Jon Nelson speaking at Soma Community Church in Jefferson City, MO on Sunday morning April 3, 2016. Released: April 4, 2016; Text: Ephesians 5:3 – 14
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