A few weeks ago I was supposed to go to a meeting in St. Louis (STL) and as apart of the program they were featuring a young lady named Jackie Hill. Jackie is a poet from the STL who describes herself as someone who was
…molested by a family friend, bullied in school, and fatherless, which accompanied with a inherent separation from God, led her into a lifestyle of rebellion, homosexuality, drug use, porn addiction, and everything wicked. Yet, she was loved and desired by a God who predestined her to know Him… after much debate with God, she BELIEVED all that He told her and made the decision, to turn from her sin and give her life completely to Jesus.
Let me just be honest with you, this young lady is real, simply real. The talents that the Father has given her to use for His kingdom are immense and I am saddened to know that I missed hearing her live but her poetry has blessed me so much that I am compelled to share it with you.
It is only 4:20 long! Take 5 minutes and concentrate on her words, look her in the eyes and listen to real talk because we need it.