Over and over during the last 2 months I have answered this question and the inevitable follow-up “What happened?” It’s actually sad and funny all at once and depending on their religious background (or lack there of) on what level of suspicion that the questioner contains. Let me give you some examples:
- Did someone have a moral failure?
- Did you have a moral failure?
- Did you find out too much?
- Is there a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
I left Westside as a staff Pastor in June but not as a member. We have spent most Sunday visiting other churches and attending Westside also. This also means that I’m jobless and have been torturing my wife and child with countless sermons per day and reading so much that it is almost hard to put it all together in a cogent sentence right now (I’ll right some reviews soon). I have spent the last two months healing (from ministry) and reevaluating who I am in Christ and where I’m going. Heather has been really pushing me to rest and take these last couple months to just sit and hear the Spirit in our lives (thank you baby). Now that school is about to start (Aug. 24th) I want to use this forum to keep those who care updated on our family, speaking engagements, and a chance to chew on what I’m thinking (Theology Thursdays). Honestly, This has been an extremely hard transition for both Heather and I. We love Westside and are truly saddened that we won’t be able to do what God has called us to do in that context, but we have learned so much in this time and for that I’m thankful.
In order to fully seek my degree we are asking those in our lives to help us by supporting our family. I will be working but with a child and choosing not to take loans it leaves us with few options. If you feel led please either email me or leave your contact info in the comments section and we will contact you. Any and all types of support are needed and accepted.
I’m so sorry that this 1st post is so long, if you have any questions please feel free to ask them below. I love you each………….more than you will ever know.
I am definitely praying for you as you continue this long…long…journey of healing and seeking. God IS good. Always.
Know you guys are deeply loved, and continuously prayed for. Many blessings, …
Im way behind in the loop. What happened dude? Please fill me in. I will be talking to god and asking questions if in someway there is a way I can help. Hope to hear from you.
Angie and Erin thanks for all of the encouragement (especially over the last few months, we’ve needed it)
Kyle: You? Behind the 8 ball? NO WAY! LMBO no Seriously it is so nice to hear from you. I left staff at WFC in June to pursue school full-time. Unfortunately, I was not able to do what God has called me to do within that context. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing just a calling thing, in other words our family must move on and forward with WFC’s blessing. We still attend WFC at the 5pm and I don’t really see that changing in the near future. If you have any questions AT ALL please feel free to call, email, or just respond to this comment post. I love you man and pray for you constantly. By the way you asked how you can help. I will post our next steps in the next few days so please stay tuned.
Miss you….miss you with the beachball….miss you on the big trike you’d ride through on……