Dear Church Family,
After our recent Vacation Bible School (VBS) we received news that multiple volunteers and participants may have been exposed to Covid-19 (possibly BA.5/ Ninja variant). We have been informed of multiple people, as of Wednesday afternoon, have tested positive. This composes 25% of those in attendance which includes volunteers and participants.
VBS families are being notified and we are contacting people with whom those who are positive were in close contact. It could not be known exactly how many people were exposed before coming to church; therefore, we are asking the congregation to assume they are a close contact and test immediately.
Soma is consulting directly with a medical expert on COVID who is treating acute COVID patients and patients with COVID long-haul symptoms daily. We have learned that even the medical community has been surprised by how quickly this current surge has come upon us. Many organizations are experiencing breakthrough infections even in vaccinated people. Although rare, breakthrough infections can be severe. Thankfully, those who have tested positive in this church have communicated they are experiencing only mild symptoms and it looks like there will be no further positive cases.
The Elders have made the following adjustments through careful deliberation after listening to expert medical advice:
- We are asking all persons who were at our Sunday Service (July 17th) to test immediately and report any positive results to a healthcare provider and the church office (573-635-4832).
- We are cancelling Gospel Community for Thursday night (July 21st)
- The church offices will be closed July 22nd – 24th (Friday – Sunday) for disinfecting.
- This week’s Sunday gathering is cancelled, and we will be hosting an online service both on Facebook ( and YouTube (
- Sunday Gatherings that meet in person will be socially distanced where possible. If you are feeling sick, please where are mask or choose to join us online.
- Positivity rates will be monitored continually and adjustments to these policies will be made as is appropriate.
We understand how fatigued we all are with Covid, this virus: however, knows no fatigue. Therefore, it is important that we stay prepared to make necessary adjustments to keep one another safe. The good news is situations that occur like this one no longer have to shut our church down indefinitely. The science is clear that when people gather masked, vaccinated and/or boosted it protects us and others, it makes the risk of transmission extremely low. Much more is known about this virus now; such measures ensure that we can continue to worship safely and in person.
We love you each more than you will ever know,
The Elders of Soma
“Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! We bless you from the house of the LORD. The LORD is God, and He has made His light to shine upon us. Bind the festal sacrifice with cords, up to the horns of the altar! You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you.”
– Psalm 118:26–28 (ESV)