Recently, I have been truly contemplating what I should say as I start this new blog and eventually our ministry. I want to go back and finish a thought that was started back last week. It was called “Statement of Intent Part 1: Here is a part of it you can also click here to read that rest.
Luke 4:18 – 19 has all the earmarks of a political manifesto. To the 1st century Jew, it evoked images of Messiah, of Jubilee, of reversal of the oppression that they were under. The passage sets a trajectory for the rest of Luke, as well as the book of Acts, and I believe that the Jesus Manifesto should be our manifesto as well. I believe that the Kingdom of God is real, not an abstraction, that Jesus is our king, not our figurehead, and if we are to follow him as our king, we must embrace the way of life that he sets out for us in the gospels. This is a radical ideal and could lead towards an even more radical way of life. Imagine your life being lead just like those in the first century, giving everything to anyone who needed, bringing hope to those who had none. This is what gained us our name, Christian, to be like Christ.
For those who read this blog I would like to present ideas that are meant to frustrate and disrupt quaint notions of Jesus and the even quainter notions of the religion he founded. You see, I am convinced that what passes for Christianity in our culture has very little resemblance to the radical and indeed political (not Democrat/ Republican) movement Jesus started on the fringes of the Empire roughly two thousand years ago. Most of the ways in which we’ve been taught to think about our faith get in the way of following Jesus. I don’t just want to disrupt and subvert our preconceived notions of Christ I want to proclaim something much deeper…hope. Hope that we can still achieve what we are called to do, to bring hope to those that have none, to embody hope that is attainable here and now. You can only challenge things for so long before you need to help create the alternative, ultimately, this is what this blog is all about, I want to captivate you with a kingdom vision and explore what it would look like to make that a tangible reality. Let me know what you think!