Over these last 3 weeks it has been stressful and challenging in more ways than I thought were possible. As many of you well know I am the current Interim pastor at Excelsior Springs Baptist Church (located about an hour from where we live now, and about 15 minutes outside of KC metro area, about 150 people attend). They have asked me to come be their interim pastor “in view of a call”, which is really just a fancy way of saying they are calling me to be their next Pastor. This upcoming Sunday (Oct. 16th) the congregation will vote (90%) after a pot luck (in proper small church tradition) and a Q & A with my wife and I. Both Heather and I and really excited about this opportunity and are falling in love with the people and the tenacity of this church. This is not what we thought God had planned, we thought it would be a few years before I would EVER be called as a Senior Pastor. However, we know He can only get the credit for what is about to happen at this church. If this process was easy we would not rely on Him. He wants and deserves the Glory! Sometimes I think that our life would get easier however, it’s just going to be another kind of hard. We have peace we are walking in His plan however, and that is a very good place to be.
Things we need you to be praying about as we move forward:
- finding a place to live (in the price range, and size we need),
- transition- our pace and rhythm of life is about to change drastically
- finances
- friendships for my Hot mama
- balance for me
- if this is not the job for us that God throws up a HUGE RED FLAG.
Thank you for you continued patronage of my blog and friendship. Please enjoy the audio below as we have substantially upgraded the sound & please subscribe in the sidebar.