In 1915, Dr. Carter G. Woodson and Rev. Jesse E. Moorland co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). Their goal was to research and bring awareness to the largely ignored, yet crucial role black people played in American and world history. The following year, Woodson published and distributed his findings in The Journal of Negro History. The son of former slaves and the second black person to receive a degree from Harvard University, Carter Woodson understood the value of education.Dr. Woodson died in 1950, but his legacy continued on as the celebration of Negro History Week was adopted by cities and organizations across the country. Finally, in 1976, the week was extended to a month-long observance.
Black History Month is now recognized and widely celebrated by the entire nation on both a scholarly and commercial level and that is that point of this next months post.
I know that a few of you may be wondering why I am doing this. The idea actually came from a conversation about National Porn Sunday (February 6th). I mentioned that it was a shame that a subject of such importance happened to fall during BHM and take away from people learning about Black history. I fully believe that Black history is American history and after making this statement a young lady next to me said, “I know a lot about Black History.” In unbelief I quickly called her bluff and she responded with nothing. The intent was not to shame her, honestly my knowledge is lacking also, but to help her understand that we really do not understand the History of black people here in the United States.
So this is what I will be up to this month
- Twitter:
- Please follow me on twitter and/or Facebook as I will be posting at least two BHM facts a day.
- Further BHM facts [on Twitter] will probably be found under the hash tag #BHM.
- Blog:
- Slavery
(Mondays): I want to honestly discuss what the Bible actually says about slavery. - HUP
(Thursdays): Homogeneous Unit Principle (HUP) is viewed positively as the rationale for gearing churches towards demographically similar people.
- Slavery
I really hope to hear from you this month as I know many of you have a lot to say…
I am excited to hear about HUP…