Pastor Jon C. Nelson – Lead Pastor
Pastor Jon C. Nelson is a native of Kansas City. He is the founder and lead pastor of Soma Community Church, a mutil-ethnic, multi-generational church in Jefferson City, MO.
He is a graduate from Midwestern Baptist Theological College, where he holds a degree in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Leadership. He is a bold leader and passionate communicator deeply dedicated to the Great Commission of Christ, the equipping of disciples, and the spread of the Gospel across the nation and around the world.
He has been married to his wife, Heather, since June 2004. His greatest joy outside of Jesus is being married to his wife her and being a father to their children.
Emily Stallings – Administrative Assistant
Emily has lived around Jefferson City most of her life and is a graduate of Jefferson City High school and attended Ozark Christian College where she received her bachelors of Art in Counseling and Pastoral Care. Emily moved to Jefferson City to marry her husband Roosevelt and started attending Soma. Additionally, she has recently rediscovered her love for baking and has started a small business so she can share her wonderful creations.
She is a bison enthusiasts, adventure seeker, Yellowstone lover, loving wife, wonderful mother and Christ follower.